
Water Emergency Information.

On occasion things can go wrong, but don’t worry we’re here to support you.

In the event of an emergency you should call us immediately on 0113 447 0322 or call the wholesaler in your local area directly.

The wholesaler in your area can be found on any invoice, or your welcome pack. If you have multiple sites, the wholesaler for the area is detailed against each individual site on your invoice.

An emergency event is defined as:

  • No water in your property
  • A water quality issue (for example a change in taste or smell)
  • A sudden change in water pressure
  • Flooding of either water or sewage in your property or outside
  • Water in your gas pipes*
  • Pollution (such as in rivers or on beaches)
  • *This can be identified by a plumber who should isolate your system immediately

    Please click here to view information about issues we are currently aware of in the local area.

    What to do if you have a leak

    A leak on your internal pipework, even if this is causing flooding in your property, is not an emergency event that the wholesaler can respond to. The wholesaler is responsible for all the pipework outside your property, up to the point of demarcation. Water leaks that happen after the point of demarcation are your responsibility. We can help you identify where a leak is but if the leak is on your side of the point of demarcation, you will need to instruct a plumber to rectify the issue. For a recommended local plumber see www.watersafe.org.uk.

    How to carry out a leak test

    1. Locate your external meter – it is usually fitted to the outside stop valve located in either your pathway or roadway (only do this if it is safe to do so, be aware of traffic and your surrounding environment).
    2. Stop using water in the property – remember to turn off all water-using appliances, such as your taps, cisterns and any other water consuming devices you have.
    3. Turn off the inside stop valve – this can usually be found under a sink or toilet area or where the main feed enters the building.
    4. Take a meter reading, including the digits in the red dials. If the dial is still recording water use, please double check that everything is switched off and there are no toilet cisterns filling up.
    5. Leave the stop valve shut and read the meter half an hour later. If the reading has changed, you may have a leak. At this point it would be best to call a private plumber to investigate the issue further for you. They will be able to fix the issue or provide further information on the cause.
    6. Required