
Reporting Energy Fraud

Energy theft, or meter tampering, is where someone deliberately alters their gas or electricity meter so it doesn’t record their usage correctly.

Tampering with gas or electricity meters is extremely dangerous and can put the safety of people in the property and surrounding area at risk.

If you think someone is stealing energy or tampering with their meter, please let us know by completing our anonymous form below or calling us on 0113 447 0322.

The information you give us will be kept strictly confidential. If you choose to give us your contact details, we will not share them without your permission (unless required by law).

If you would prefer not to contact us directly, there are other ways to report energy theft.

You can also report to Crimestoppers by clicking HERE or calling them free on 0800 023 2777.


If you know of any gas or electricity meter which has been tampered with or of any attempts to defraud a gas or electricity supplier, please complete and then submit the form below. Any information supplied to us is in the strictest confidence. We will investigate all reports we get.

Please note that without the full address of the property in question, we will not be able to investigate.

Details of the suspected person/organisation


If you are happy for us to contact you (should we need to), please complete the information below with your preferred method of contact (optional)
